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How Much is my Old School Runescape Account Worth?

Wondering what your Old School Runescape account is worth? This guide will help you determine the value based on account details like levels, items, and stats. We'll also look at the most in-demand and valuable aspects that bring up an account's worth.

As an Old School Runescape player, you've likely put extensive time and effort into building up your account. Before you decide to sell, it's important to properly appraise your account to ensure you receive fair market value. Read on as we break down valuation methods and key account characteristics buyers look for.

Factors that Determine OSRS Account Value

An Old School Runescape account's value is primarily based on game progress, rare items and wealth obtained. Buyers especially look for:

  • High combat, skill & quest point levels
  • Expensive or discontinued rares like partyhats
  • Large cash stacks and valuable items
  • Specialty & maxed combat pure builds

The more leveled up the account and rare/valuable the items, the higher an OSRS account typically sells for.

While every account is unique, established valuation techniques help determine fair selling prices. We'll explain proper OSRS account appraisal methods so you can accurately value your account.

What determinate an account Level?

Total Play Time & Game Progress is what buyers want, well-developed accounts in the mid to high levels that would take significant time to build up themselves. The total level across skills, quest points completed and play hours logged influence value.

Here are general guidelines based on account progress:

  • Level 50-80 accounts: Up to $100
  • Level 80-100 accounts: $100-$30
  • Level 100-126 combat accounts: $300-$1,000
  • High/maxed skill & quest accounts: $800+

What are the Rarest OSRS Items?

Discontinued rare items like holiday rewards and partyhat sets substantially increase an account's value in OSRS's player market. Specific rares that bring high value include:

  • Partyhat sets ($750+ each)
  • Holiday items like Santa Hats
  • Halloween masks
  • Old seasonal rewards

Along with rare discontinued items, buyers also look for accounts with expensive gear, weapons, tradable rares and large cash stacks. The more wealth accumulated on the account, the higher potential selling price.

For example, a maxed account with a 500M-1B+ GP cash stack and expensive best-in-slot tradeable gear will sell for $800-$2,000+ depending on extent of wealth and tradables.

Getting Offers from Reputable OSRS Account Buyers

Along with checking marketplace listings, also get offers directly from top Runescape account buyers. The buyers at Eldorado.gg provide free valuations and make fair offers based on account details.

Getting multiple quotes from reputable buyers protects you from underselling while still realizing top dollar. Before finalizing any sale, gather several purchase offers.


Buyers want accounts with high skill levels between 100-126 combat and total levels over 1500+ indicating significant time invested already. Pure PK builds also sell well.

Rare discontinued items like partyhat sets over 750M GP each substantially raise OSRS account values along with expensive tradable gear.

Yes, leveled up free-to-play only accounts can sell but maximum values typically cap around $100 since they cannot obtain rare members only items.

With reputable sellers, accounts usually sell within 1-14 days depending on desirability of levels, builds and items.

Yes, selling OSRS accounts is legal but make sure to use trustworthy buyers like our marketplace to ensure account security and prevent getting scammed.

Yes, high quest point totals indicate significant time investment and often high skill levels on an account making it more valuable to buyers.

Yes RS3 accounts can also sell but current demand favors Old School accounts which yield higher values in most cases. Check both markets.

Yes, specialty builds like maxed strength pures and unique med levels bring premium valuations, sometimes selling for 2x standard accounts.

Rares like partyhats are very limited since no longer obtainable in game making accounts with them highly sought after and valuable when sold.